TrendForce分析师C.Y. Yao认为,5G 8K电视还有许多挑战。他说:“除了5G基站,还需要区域小基站,需要8K生态系统,包括摄像机、8K电视处理器、广播8K内容的编码器和解码器,这些都还没有成熟。”C.Y. Yao认为,与电信运营商合作,为5G服务提供支持,这也是必要的。
Simon:As I said I do not expect a strong impact. Germany actually needs more Chinese investments. Currently there is only one Chinese greenfield factory operating in Germany. And actually the states and cities are vying for Chinese investments – opposite to the restrictions on the federal level. China and Germany are ideal partners. They have to find a way to cooperate. That has worked very well in the past. Both sides do not gain if they are too assertive.
CNS:From a goods-oriented export country to a capital-related and technology-focused outbound investment country, China’s investment footprints will broadly reach out. Germany has been one of the most significant host countries for China’s money due to its manufacturing prowess and the complementarity between the two, how do you view the role of the Chinese investments in Germany, from the economic and ESG points of views? With regards to the newly-enacted regulation, is there any tremendous impacts on the Sino-Germany co-operations? And what might be the effects on Germany’s economy?
国家气候中心预计,7月下旬,随着副热带高压北抬,江南、华南将转为多高温少雨天气,华北雨季即将开始。其中,7月21日至23日,华北、东北地区将有较为明显的降水过程,普遍有中到大雨、局地暴雨。 “七下八上” 北方防汛关键期今年“七下八上“期间,我国东部有两条主要多雨带,其中北方多雨区位于东北东南部至黄淮北部。预计东北南部和华北东部等地降水较常年偏多2~5成,降水量约为100~200毫米。气象专家提醒,北方地区要关注短时强降水可能引发内涝;黄河下游、海河、辽河需防范阶段性暴雨可能引发的汛情。